What Percentage Adult Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

45% Adult
You're pretty good at least appearing like an adult to others but you still sometimes act like a kid. You know how to do most thing but some days you'll sleep in late or need someone to call in your doctors appointments.

95% Adult
You know exactly where you're going in life and you're content with your progress. You love having your life organized and it helps keep you on track for the future.

85% Adult
You know what you're doing for the most part. You know how to pay bills and you're not afraid to book your own appointments in life.

60% Adult
You're still learning how to be an adult but you got most of it down. You think you're pretty competent but you still catch yourself acting like a kid every now and then.

35% Adult
You still have a lot to learn about being an adult! There's still things you can't quite grasp but you know you'll get the hang of it sooner or later.