Can We Guess Your Worst Habit?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You Worry Too Much
The options of others is quite important to you and you sometimes allow those opinions to take over your life. You may opt out of something because you worry that they'll think negatively of you. Try to ignore their opinions and just have a good time!

You Can Never Accept A Compliment
You never mean to do it but you just don't know how to accept a compliment. You don't have the highest self-esteem so you usually brush off those compliments because of doubt. You don't usually know what to say to the compliment either so you usually just never accept it.

Putting Yourself Down
You have a way of talking down about yourself and you usually don't know you're doing it. You may say it in a joking way but others can see how you talking down about yourself. You set high standards for yourself and when you don't reach them, you can be a bit harsh on yourself.

Holding A Grudge
When something truly bothers you, you have a hard time letting go of it. You're a rather stubborn person and you usually don't want to forgive the person who made you angry. You don't let your guard down usually so when someone does you wrong, they've done something horrible.

Addicted To Your Phone
You seem to always be on your phone but you just can't help it! Your life is on that phone so you're always looking at it. The idea of leaving your phone for so long just fills you with dread because you need to answer all those messages!