How Much Of A Republican Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

100% Republican
You're completely a republican at heart and it shows in your conservative ways. You have your own ideas and opinions but the line up neatly within your party.

75% Republican
You're definitely a republican at heart. While you may agree with some democratic points of view, you still believe the republican opinions are the correct ones.

50% Republican
You're split equally on the matters of republican and democratic opinions. You have your views on how you think the country should be run that doesn't really fit in anywhere.

60% Republican
While you may almost be equally split between republican and democratic, you're still leaning a bit more towards republican. You have your own opinions that are represented better with a republican mindset.

25% Republican
You happen to be leaning more on the democratic side of things. Your opinions fall neatly into the party lines and you're proud of that fact. You know what your opinions and thoughts represent and you're not shy to express them.