Are You More Laverne Or Shirley?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Based on the results of this quiz you are definitely more like Shirley than Laverne! Much like Shirley, you are perky, positive, and a bit shy. Some consider you and this character to be a bit meek, but on the inside you've got the strength of a lion.

Based on the results of this quiz, you are more like Laverne! Much like Laverne, you are a no nonsense tough talker who can get through anything and everything. You're a loyal friend who would do anything for those you care about.

A Mix Of Both
Based on the results of this quiz, you are a mix between both Laverne and Shirley! Hey, that's not so bad! These two characters have amazing traits, combining both of them makes you truly the best of both worlds. Form Laverne you inherited confidence, from Shirley compassion and sensitivity.