How Much Of A Glamorous Lady Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

As Glamorous As They Come
Based on the results of this quiz, you are as glamorous as they come! Not only do you place a high emphasis on style and being put together, but you're very committed to having good manners and charming everyone you meet. This mix of proper etiquette and grace makes you a true glamour queen!

Very Glamorous
Based on the results of this quiz, you are very glamorous! Glamour may seem like its all about style, but true glamorous women know that it's all about attitude. You're strong, confident, and never one to to sweat the small stuff.

Somewhat Glamorous
Based on the results of this quiz, you are somewhat glamorous! Glamour has more to do with attitude and confidence than anything else. Sure, great style helps, but it's that inner faith that separates the truly glamorous from the pack. While you may possess great style and charisma, you need to believe in yourself through and through! After all, there's no one else quite like you in the world!

Down To Earth Glamour
Based on the results of this quiz, you possess down to earth glamour! It's tempting to believe that glamour is all about being dressed to the nines and living a life of leisure. Truly glamorous women know that it's more about your attitude and behavior towards others. You're down to earth, charming, and a genuine pleasure to be around!

Kind Of Glamorous
Based on the results of this quiz, you are kind of glamorous! Who needs expensive clothing and jewelry when you can live a life that is fulfilling and adventurous? You value experience over material possessions or keeping up appearances. In our book, your glamorous just for being you!