Which Song With A Woman’s Name Is About You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Lola By The Kinks
The song with a woman's name that is about you is "Lola" by The Kinks! This song may take on many different meanings, but much like you it's hard to peg down. You're an eccentric gal who loves to march to the beat of her own drum.

Barbara Ann By The Beach Boys
The song with a woman's name that could be about you is "Barbara Ann" by the Beach Boys! Much like this song, you're a fun loving gal who is also a hopeless romantic. You don't take life too seriously and tend to embrace life's sweet little moments.

Annie's Song By John Denver
The song about a woman that could be about you is "Annie's Song" by John Denver! You're a sweet and sensitive woman who cares more about the world at large than herself. You're generous, giving, and compassionate. You make the world a better place each day just by existing in it.

Billie Jean By Michael Jackson
The song with a woman's name that is about you is "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson! Much like this song, you're complex and hardly one sided. You have many facets that leave others viewing you as a bit mysterious and engaging.

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
The song with a woman's name that best suits you is "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" by The Beatles! You're a highly creative and enthusiastic individual who lives each day to the fullest. You know that your time here is never guaranteed and that every moment should be embraced.