Respond To These Texts And We’ll Tell You What Kind Of Parent You Are!

Here are all the results with descriptions

A Permissive Parent
Your responses to these texts prove that you're a rather permissive parent. You tend to go with the flow and judge each situation you encounter independently. You don't practice one blanket way of parenting, instead you meet every challenge as it comes with a level head and ease.

An Authoritative Parent
Based on your responses to these texts, your an authoritative parent. You know one thing for sure: kids need boundaries. Without them, they feel a bit bewildered and you can easily feel overwhelmed as a parent. By giving your kids strict guidelines and rules, you're helping them to become well adjusted and self sufficient adults!

An Honest Parent
Based on how you responded to these texts, you're an honest parent! You don't believe that parenting should be done behind a curtain or contain loads of secrecy, instead, you promote openness, discussion, and connection. You're always open to talking with your kids rather than disciplining them first.

An Overachieving Parent
Based on how you respond to these texts, you're an overachieving parent! You're always going the extra mile to make your kids lives very special. Not only do you overachieve at work, but you overachieve with your children as well.

A Fun Parent
Based on how you respond to these texts, you're a very fun parent! You know that parenting can be hard, but you also know that it can be very rewarding if you keep some perspective and maintain a sense of humor. You've learned to laugh at the little things your kids do, rather than blowing up over meaningless things.