What Does Your Dogs Name Say About You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're Traditional
Your dog's name reveals that you're a very traditional person! You tend to favor more traditional names and love the simple way of life. You're not one for flash or material possessions. You live for what matters most on a deeper level.

You're An Old Soul
You're dog's name reveals that you're an old soul! You love to do things the old fashioned way. From naming your pet to living your life, there are few things that you prefer to do in a modern fashion. Not only do you truly embrace the past, but you help bring it back to life!

You've Got A Great Sense Of Humor
Your dog's name reveals that you've got a great sense of humor! You're not stuffy in the slightest. In fact, your dog's kitschy name says that you like to have a good time and live life to the fullest. You don't care what others think or how it might "look" to those who are more traditional. You're all about having a good time!

You're Well Read
Your dog's name reveals that you're very well read! You gave your dog a literary name because books and the characters they contain are highly important to you. In your mind, there are few names more important that those once given to literature's greatest heroes and heroines.

You're Youthful
Your dog's name reveals that you're very youthful! No matter how old you actually are, you've never shed or lost your youthful sense of fun. You're playful, animated, and always looking to try new things. You'll never act your true age number!