What Kind of Lost Soul Are You?

Everyone's soul is terribly lost. What kind of lost soul do you have?

Tags: Personality, Behavior, Attitude, Soul, Character-Trait, Lifestyle, Living

Here are all the results with descriptions

The Reluctant Humanitarian Lost Soul
Your instincts are to help people, and life constantly puts you in the right time and place to do just that. The problem is that the more you help people, the more you doubt that you really should help at all. What have they done for you lately? In fact, the more you help others, the more you see how futile your actions really are. Instead of truly improving the situation, you're actually only keeping people from learning from their mistakes. The truth is that people suck, and how is perpetuating their sucky ways going to make humankind any better?

The Fatalistic Artisan Lost Soul
You are a very creative and artistic type of person, capable of creating impressive and unique pieces of artwork that challenge status quos, make critical statements about society, and highlight culture. Your ability to apply critical theory to the myriad social, political and humanitarian issues that affect our world is nothing short of genius. The problem is that you aren't sure that you care enough about social issues to really dive in and challenge them. What's the point of rushing a cultural evolution, if civilization only lasts another couple thousand years?

The Benevolent Soldier Lost Soul
You're strong, physically intimidating, and good with weapons. You're also sensitive, caring and the kind of person that catches flies in the house and lets them go free outside. Those brawny muscles and that stony demeanor contradict the soft and mushy heart in your chest. Everyone wants to recruit you to fight wars, patrol streets or bounce people out of clubs, and all you want to do is cuddle up with a blanket and watch romantic comedies. Sure, you know how to shoot a gun, do a roundhouse kick or put someone in a chokehold--but what good is all that when you'd rather just talk things out?

The Diplomatic Dictator Lost Soul
People are drawn to your intelligence, natural talent in conflict resolution, and your smooth, easy manner. You are sociable, likeable, and make friends wherever you go. Unfortunately, you're so charismatic and gosh darn friendly that people are blind to the fact that you're actually very domineering, controlling and power-hungry. You would make a wonderful and popular politician, CEO, or other type of in-charge kind of person, because nobody would catch on to your ulterior motives until it was much too late. You're bound to rise high and go very far in this lifetime, but the question remains: What about your lost soul?

The Regretful Philanthropist Lost Soul
You're a kind, humanistic, natural leader with the ability to persuade people to do just about anything you want them to do. This is real power. The thing is that power sort of scares you, once you have it. To top it off, commitment and follow through are not exactly your strong suits. You tend to jump the gun and start charities, raise funds for research, and promote social awareness without really thinking things through first. Then, once you've moved all of those people and started your mini-revolutions, you jump ship and leave the world at the altar.

The Royal Socialist Lost Soul
Proud, self-serving and noble, your soul is nothing short of royal. Your life puts you in natural situations of power, authority, and decadent luxury. It's almost as if people expect you and want you to be shallow and selfish. However, you simply cannot ignore the fact that not everyone is enjoying a lifestyle like yours. You genuinely feel as though things in the world would be better off if everyone had the same opportunity, money, resources and status as everyone else, and it makes you very sad that life can be so unfair. At the same time, you truly enjoy your extravagant lifestyle, so you aren't really willing to give it up. What to do, what to do?