How Dateable Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're A Total Catch
Not only are you dateable, you're a total catch! Some might describe you as being the total package. You're charming, agreeable, and up for anything. You don't judge others and always give a new suitor the benefit of the doubt. With your warmth, wit, and personality, you can win over just about anyone you want.

You're The Perfect Date
You're the perfect date! Not only are you super dateable, you're the downright perfect date. With amazing comedic timing, a knack for telling stories, and a love of trying new things, you're pretty much the perfect first date in every way. No wonder you always get that second date just moments after the first has ended!

You're A Fun Date
Not only are you dateable, you're an incredibly fun person to date! You're a spontaneous gal with a love of trying new things. With an open mind and warm personality, you're not quick to judge or make hasty decisions. You live in the moment and don't worry too much about what tomorrow might bring. Go you!

You Need Mr. Right
While you're dateable, you need just the right guy to appreciate your unique quirks and talents! You're an eccentric soul who is creative in every possible way. You love to try new things and live life on the edge. You're not a fan of being bored and hate to fall into a pattern of routine. Some might say you're a bit unpredictable!

You're Not Ready To Date Just Yet
You're dateable, but you're not ready to date just yet! You need to take a little more time to get to know yourself and what you want in life before you bring anyone else along for the ride. We think in a year or two, you'll make the perfect date!