What Kind Of Witch Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

The Good Witch
You're a good witch! Though you possess unlimited powers and the ability to alter the lives of others, you only use your powers to help rather than hinder. You have a keen sense of right/wrong and always go with your gut. You'd never intentionally hurt a friend or a stranger.

The Meddling Witch
You're a meddling witch! You love to use your powers to meddle in the lives of your friends and loved ones. Not only are you not above crafting a love potion or two, but you truly think you know what's best for those around you. Sure, your spells backfire every now and then, but what is life if not a learning experience?

The Clever Witch
You're the clever and cunning witch! Though you mostly use your powers for good, you're not above crafting a good love spell or meddling in the affairs of others. The key is to not let anyone know you're doing so! You're a highly clever and intelligent person who can get away with just about anything so long as you flash that signature smile!

The Studious Witch
You're the studious witch! You're the type who would take your craft very seriously. Not only would you always be found studying or brushing up on new spells, but you're not one to take your powers lightly. You have a keen sense of right and wrong, as well as a knowledge of your personal responsibility.

The Scheming Witch
You'd be a scheming witch! What's fun about being a witch if you can't scheme a little bit? No fun at all! With your powers, you'd spend most of your time scheming, cooking up plans, and brewing up potions. You're not above a good love spell or producing some truth serum to entertain yourself!