Can You Read Stranger’s Minds?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You Can Definitely Read Stranger's Minds!
Whoa, you can definitely read stranger's minds! With a powerful sense of intuition and the ability to quickly read the emotions of others, you're a total mind reader. Not only can you accurately piece together the cues of body language and look into the windows of the soul, but you can draw others into your world by providing a sense of comfort and ease. You can read the minds of others, see their soul, and dig deep into their desires with just a single look!

You Can Often Read Stranger's Minds!
Wow, you can often read stranger's minds! It's clear that you've got a true ability to peer back the curtain and read others in a way that few people can. With a strong sense of empathy and killer intuition, you don't just see people as they are, you see them for their inner light and unique emotions. Not only can you read stranger's minds, you can instantly put them at ease with a single look.

You Cannot Read Stranger's Minds !
Unfortunately, you cannot read stranger's minds! Though you can't read the mind of a stranger just yet, you can provide comfort and warmth with your energy and optimism. Sometimes you don't need to read someone's mind in order to change the world or make a difference. By simply being yourself, you instantly put others at ease.