Are You The Cool Sister or the Responsible Sister?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're The Cool Sister!
Based on the results of this quiz, you're the cool sister! You're the spontaneous sister who is always up for a good adventure. You've never been one to lament about the rules and you're certainly not the type to worry about impressing other people. You live life to the fullest with character and personality.

You're The Responsible Sister!
Based on the results of this quiz, you're the responsible sister! You're the sister who can always be depended on to follow through, play by the rules, and accomplish the goals you've set out to meet. You're steadfast and grounded, with a deep sense of compassion and nurturing.

You're A Mix Of Both!
You're a mix of the cool and responsible sister! You're the sister who embodies both responsibility and coolness. You're confident and steadfast, with a deep love of adventure, travel, and having a good time. While you play by the rules sometimes, you're not one to worry about pleasing others or doing what's best.