What’s Something That’s 100% True About You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You Don't Care What Anyone Thinks!
Something that's 100% true about you is that you don't care what anyone thinks! You're totally self confident and self assured. You know exactly who you are and what you want. You don't care if what you do or wear doesn't agree with someone else!

You March To Your Own Drum!
Something that's 100% true about you is that you always march to your own drum! You're a highly creative and innovative person who isn't afraid to march to the beat of your own drum. You don't like to do things exactly like anyone else. In fact, you pride yourself on being a bit different than the rest!

You Live For Adventure!
Something that's 100% true about you is that you live for adventure! You're the type of person who craves the opportunity to try new things, travel, and go where you've never gone before. You believe that life is all about taking big risks and getting even bigger rewards!

You Love To Make People Laugh!
Something that's 100% true about you is that you love to make people laugh! It's obvious that you've got a great sense of humor and truly love to put a smile on the face of others. You're a good natured person who just wants to spread good cheer and happiness wherever you go!

You're Selfless!
Something that's 100% true about you is that you're very selfless! You always put the needs of others before your own. You live to lend a hand and help out whenever possible. In fact, you feel most valuable and happy if you can make someone else feel good about who they are!