Which Type Of Music Represents Your Personality?

Here are all the results with descriptions

The music that best represents your personality is jazz! Much like this genre of music, you're a complex and uninhibited person who isn't afraid to march to the beat of your own drum. You're creative, unpredictable, and downright fun to be around!

The music that best represents your personality is country! Much like this genre of music, you're traditional, fun, family oriented, and upbeat. You have a natural sense of optimism and hope! You feel things quite deeply and aren't afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve.

Rock N'roll
The music that best represents your personality is rock n' roll! Much like this genre of music, you're not afraid to try new things and step out of bounds. You have a rebellious nature and a true detest for authority. Though you'd never truly hurt anyone, you hate living a routine and boring life full of rules!

The music that best represents your personality is disco! Much like this genre of music, you're a passionate and uninhibited soul. You live to socialize, have a good time, and embrace everything life has to offer! You're stylish and trendy, with a truly one of a kind confidence!

The music that best represents your soul is folk! Much like this genre of music, you're soft, sensitive, and deeply intellectual. You feel things down to your core. Whether it's the injustice of politics or the plight of the environment, you believe that words and people have the power to change the world!