What Mountain Animal Would You Be?

From bears to goats, squirrels to mountain lions, mountains house a lot of wildlife. What mountain animal would you be?

Tags: Mountain, Animals, Wildlife

Here are all the results with descriptions

A Bear
You might appear to be all soft and cuddly, but if you get poked, so to speak, you get angry and everyone is going down. You are also extremely protective of your family and friends. You have a very playful, silly side. One weakness you have is good food. You can always be won over with a nice, home-cooked meal!

A Goat
You can be stubborn and grumpy, but on a positive note, you are athletic and agile. You are also a great guest, because you will eat pretty much anything. You are not picky at all.

A Mountain Lion
You are mesmerizing. People want to watch you, but they are too intimidated to approach you, as they well should be. You can really bite someone's head off if they annoy you!

A Beaver
You are a builder by nature. If you see a problem, you know how to get around it. Not everyone appreciates your hard work. Sometimes things that are good for you are bad for others, and you can seem selfish.

An Antelope
You are shy and quick to run away from any situation that makes you uncomfortable. You are actually amazing and should be proud of who you are and confident in uncertain situations.

A Wolf
You are a team player. You are good at working with others to accomplish goals. There is really no mountain too high for you and your crew!