Here are all the results with descriptions
living in the now.
Your answers tell us that you tend to get lost in your brain, stressing over yesterday's events or worrying about what is happening tomorrow. Ever thought of following a more Zen path to success? Taking a seminar based on the teachings of Eckhart Tolle will show you how to center yourself in your heart and take action instead of thinking about action. Remember that the most productive moment is NOW!
having a bowl of chicken soup!
Don't sweat the small stuff! Your answers show that you have a tendency to be self-critical, and stress yourself by trying to attain unrealistic standards. We recommend you take a seminar in the style of Richard Carlson or Jack Canfield to give you a new perspective on life and remind you that it's okay to relax a little now and again. You are perfect just how you are!
walking across burning coals!
Your answers tell us that you dream big, and big dreams are only accomplished if you push yourself out of your comfort zone. We recommend a seminar in the style of famous self-help guru Tony Robbins, who pushes participants way outside their perceived limits.
getting organized.
Wild and crazy spontaneity is great every so often, but your answers show us that you are too easily distracted from your goals. We recommend a crash course in productivity, such as those given by personal organization guru David Allen. So grab those post-it notes and get ready to plan your path to success!
jumping off the cliff!
You are hesitating on the brink, looking down. Are you scared? Of course you are! Your answers show that you are a procrastinator who can always rationalize reasons for not doing something. Your concerns may be legitimate, but successful people are those who acknowledge their limits and get out there and act regardless. So we recommend you take a inspirational course in positive affirmation, and turn your mindset from 'I can't because...' to 'I can!'
imagining just how awful things could be!
Sick of inspirational affirmations and feel good new-age positivity? Your answers tell us that you're a down-to-earth person who just doesn't like touchy-feely nonsense. So here's a self-help technique that might be your style: Stoicism. Instead of visualizing an idealistic (and unrealistic) dream scenario, paint yourself a nightmare picture of the absolute worst thing that could happen. Once you've faced your worst fears, you might find reality isn't as awful as you thought it could be!