What Is Your Ancient Name?

Are names arbitrary labels? Not if you lived in the earliest civilizations. Get your new 'old name' with our quiz!

Tags: Name, Ancient-Time, History

Here are all the results with descriptions

By signing his or her name on a clay tablet, the Sumerian scribe Kushim became the first person history knows by name. Kushim's records don't tell of the noble tales of warriors or kings, or even laws or philosophical thoughts on life. Instead they are basic accounting tallies for bushels of wheat, kind of like a modern-day spreadsheet, proving that you don't need to rule the world for your work to be important for generations to come! You get the ancient name Kushim, thanks to your down-to-earth personality and practical lifestyle.

You always suspected you were a Greek god (or goddess!), and now you have the test result to prove it. A great warrior who led the Greek Army during the infamous Trojan War, Agamemnon is both a real historical figure and a mythical god. You have received this ancient name because of your natural regal command and indefatigable self-confidence.

Possibly the first-ever female pharaoh, Neithhotep lived in Egypt over 5,000 years ago. Neithhotep and her husband, Narmer, were a power couple who united the kingdoms of upper and lower Egypt to create the Egyptian Empire and founded a pharaonic dynasty. You have been granted the ancient name of Neithhotep, because your personality combines the fierce passion of a warrior with the political strength of a wise leader.

An ancient Mycenaean name that means 'holding fast,' this name is one of the few ancient names still popular today, with Hector's found in English-, French-, and Spanish-speaking countries. You have been given the ancient name Hektor, because you have a strong and steadfast personality, and others look to you to be their champion when times are tough. Just remember that every adversary has a weak point, and make sure you don't let your bravery overcome your common sense.

Yax Ehb Xook (Yash-eb-shoock)
Mayan King Yax Ehb Xook ruled the powerful city-state of Tikal about 1,900 years ago, making him the oldest named Mayan ruler known. His name is translated as 'First Step Shark.' You have received this ancient name because, like this dynastic founder, you are not afraid to take the first step toward greatness, and you have the intelligence and tenacity to make your lofty goals come to fruition.

Queen Makeda of Ethiopia, fabled to be the biblical queen of Sheba, was a member of the powerful Arwe line, which ruled Ethiopia for 350 years. Famed for both her beauty and intelligence, the lady was a skilled negotiator who, legend says, bore a child with the Israeli King Solomon, blending Christian, Jewish, and Islamic heritage. You are anointed with the ancient alias of Makeda, because you have hidden power simmering under your respectable facade!