Do Your Kids Know More About The Facts Of Life Than You Realize?

Find out if your kids know more about the facts of life than they are letting on! You might be really surprised!

Tags: Kids, Knowledge, Facts

Here are all the results with descriptions

Are Still Sweet and Innocent!
Your children still think the birds and the bees are just that: birds and bees. The naughtiest word they know is 'poop,' and they think the stork brings the babies. Cherish these fun days before they start to figure it all out!

Are Starting to Catch On
Your kids are starting to know a few cuss words. They get that doing drugs is a bad thing. They understand stranger danger. They are still pretty naive about the world, but they are for sure starting to catch on!

Understand the Basics
Your kids probably have basic knowledge of what sex is. They know exactly why someone might want to kidnap them, and they realize that drinking alcohol gets people drunk. They have probably even seen several naked bodies in their time. They really have an understanding of the basics.

Believe They Have It All Figured Out
Your kids think they understand what sex is, what it means to be in love, and what the creepy people do in chat rooms, but they might be shocked if they really knew all there is to know about the facts of life. Now is a good time to make sure you are the one teaching them, so as their eyes are opened, they are at least getting the facts straight!

Are a Bit Overwhelmed with What They Are Learning about the World!
Their eyes are opening wide, and their jaws are dropping as the real world is becoming more known. The days of believing that mommy and daddy were just hugging are long gone. The grown-up world is crashing in on them fast, and they might have a hard time processing it all. Make sure you are talking with them and trying to honestly answer all of their questions!

Could Probably Teach You a Thing or Two!!
Your kids are definitely not naive about the world. They have seen more, heard more, and probably even done more than you realize--possibly more than you have done yourself. They could teach you a few things about this crazy world we live in if you let them!