Which Art Genre Matches Your Personality?

What would a painting look like if it was painted based on your psyche? Answer these fun questions and find out!

Tags: Art, Genre, Personality

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're free, floating like a soft cloud of daydreams or a butterfly on a lily pad.

You're all over the place!

It isn't all about love, but love is a part of the Romantic movement. It's about valuing emotion and humanity rather than focusing only on facts and logic. That's you--big, sweeping emotion!

You get what you see. No frilly nonsense that distorts the truth. Just the facts, ma'am.

You live in your creative mind. Must be a fun place to be! Except maybe when it gets TOO weird.

Pop Art
You're cheeky, witty, and possibly even a sly cynic.