What Major Should I Choose?

Choosing a major can be stressful, so we're here to help you along the way! Take our quick quiz to see what path will lead you to the career of your dreams!

Tags: Major, College, Education

Here are all the results with descriptions

Liberal Arts
You want to learn everything right now and give yourself a little more time to figure out your path. You have the freedom of taking courses that fit multiple majors which will help you narrow down at your own time. You want to choose wisely and for some people like you, it's okay to take your time.

You want to make a breakthrough in science and make a major change in the world. You may even be the person who cures cancer! Did this vision excite you? Then this is the major for you! You enjoy learning complex problems and finding creative ways to solve them. Get ready for the long study nights.

English Literature
You enjoy reading, analyzing and finding the deeper meaning to classic novels that most of us may find pretty boring. Because of your love for words, you're a great writer and speaker. You can development concise dissertations on story themes and characters. Snuggle up in the corner of your favorite book store or coffee shop and start writing the best thinkpiece your professor has ever read.

You find helping people on a deeper level your calling in this world. You want to study the parts of the brain that controls emotions, impulses, fears, and deep truths. You know you have the discipline to remember many diagnoses and have the sound mind to apply them to case studies. You have the desire to better people's lives, one conversation at a time.

You have always been fascinated with the legal system and have a passion to make a difference in this country. You want to learn as much as possible about the rules so you can learn how to use them to make people's lives better. You want to be a face for justice and this major will get you there.

You are about your money and have an interest in making more for yourself, and possibly others. You've always been good with numbers and have the ability to think on long-term goals instead of short-term. You have a fiscally responsible mind to become the next Warren Buffet - time to start saving!