How French Are You?

You might not have a French passport, but do you have a French soul? Find out with this quiz!

Tags: France, Country, Culture

Here are all the results with descriptions

un vrai francais(e)
Zut alors! Stylish, cultured, and just a little bit aloof, you have the 'je ne sais quoi' that makes the French just so much cooler than any other nationality. You may speak English, but your heart and soul have the Gallic 'joie de vivre' that makes your personality pure French.

un petit peu francais(e)
You have the mystique that makes the French so appealing, and we'd almost mistake you for 'un vrai francais' ('ou une vrai francaise') if it weren't for a couple of answers that betray your real background. And if you are French, merde! You'd better head home 'tout de suite' before you become completely anglicized.

un soupcon francais
A 'soupcon' means a 'tiny bit,' and although you have just a touch of French in your personality, it is enough to show! Other people may not be able to say what it is that gives you your air of elegant mystery, but you know: Vous-etes un soupcon francais(e)!

un francais perdu
You're a cultural mutt! Maybe you were French once, or possibly you're on your way to becoming as French as you can be. But right now you're a bit mixed up, with your Frenchness diluted by the habits of the lesser nations!

Trying Hard to Be French
You are a Francophile who admires all things French, but being French is not an outside mannerism or style of dress that is easy to adopt. You have to have that 'je ne sais quoi' that inhabits the Gallic soul. How to get that? Nobody knows!

An American!
You might think that the French are 'tres-chic,' but you're not about to throw away your baseball cap and start kissing people on the cheek. You are open to experiencing the cool customs of other cultures, but when it comes down to it, your personality is happy at home in the good ol' US of A. Go America!