Which One Of Your Chakras Is Blocked?

Take this fun and easy quiz to find out which one of your energy centers is blocked and what you can do to clear it.

Tags: Energy, Meditation

Here are all the results with descriptions

Root Chakra Is Blocked
The root chakra is the first chakra and is located at the base of the spine. Root chakra is the root of your being and establishes the deepest connections with your physical body, your environment, and the earth.

Sacral Chakra Is Blocked
The sacral chakra, or swadhisthana in Sanskrit, is located in the lower abdomen, just below the coccyx or tailbone. The color of the second chakra is orange, and its element is water. It is associated primarily with emotional responses and regulation, and is often referred to as the seat of emotions. It is also associated with the sense of taste and with reproductive function.

Solar Plexus Chakra Is Blocked
The solar plexus chakra, located between the navel and solar plexus, is the core of your personality, your identity, and your ego. The third chakra is the center of willpower. While the sacral chakra seeks pleasure and enjoyment, the third chakra is all about the perception of who you are.

Heart Chakra Is Blocked
Your heart chakra is located in the center of your chest, near the heart. This source of energy focuses on 'matters of the heart,' and when it's blocked, you have issues with jealousy, codependency, depression, and feeling withdrawn and alone. When your heart chakra is balanced and open, you feel harmonious in your surroundings and with the love of the universe.

Throat Chakra Is Blocked
Your throat chakra is located at the center of the neck, right in the middle of the throat. When the throat chakra is blocked, you may be experiencing problems with self-expression and communication. You can also feel insecure, timid, and afraid of following or defining your life's purpose. Once it is open and balanced, you will see your communication skills improve and your sense of purpose clear, and have the confidence to follow your dreams.

Third-Eye Chakra Is Blocked
When your third eye is balanced and open, you have a good grasp on what's real and what is fantasy. When it's blocked, you have trouble focusing, making impartial decisions, and feeling mental fatigue and anxiety, and other problems. You can also be prone to paranoia and delusional thinking, and have issues understanding other people's true intentions.