What Do Your Eating Habits Say About You?

Do you love burgers? Salads? Find out what your eating habits say about you by taking our quiz.

Tags: Eater, Habits, Food

Here are all the results with descriptions

The 100 Percent Clean Eater
You eat food for fuel and only choose the healthiest possible options available. You strive to maintain as healthy a diet as possible and rarely ever cheat! You have great discipline and love for your body. You are filled with self-love and will surely achieve your goals of living a long, healthy life.

The Fun-Times Eater
You eat healthy most of the time but love to indulge every once in a while on foods that aren't necessarily the best for you. And that's okay. As they say, all in moderation!

The Mindless Muncher
You eat well, but you also snack a LOT. And most of the time, you aren't even aware of what you're eating! You mindlessly munch on food you're putting away, leftovers from your kids' plates (if you have any kids, that is), etc.

The Binge Eater
You are a classic binge eater, and sometimes you feel like the eating is beyond your control. You often feel terrible after overeating and should learn to control your habits before they get the best of you!