How Would Your Ex Describe You?

Wondering how your ex would describe you? Here's a smarter, more reliable way to find out than by texting them!

Tags: Relationship, Feeling

Here are all the results with descriptions

The One That Got Away
Maybe you were both very young. Maybe one of you messed up royally, and it drove the relationship completely into the ground. But whatever the case, you're the one that got away. If circumstances had been different, if life was a little more fair, your ex would ideally want to be with you. There's a past there that can't be erased, but unfortunately, it's still the past. And that's where it should stay.

The One They Think About Fondly but Platonically
Maybe you broke up on the best of terms. Maybe you both thought it would work out better as friends. And you know what? That's rare! In the eyes of your ex, you're an awesome person who's worthy of true love with someone far better than them. You're brilliant, and you both shared great memories together. There's no romantic love there, but if you called them up, they'd be happy to call you a friend.

Someone They Don't Even Think About
Honestly, compared to every other person your ex has dated, you're kind of... lost in the back, completely forgotten. Your ex doesn't think about you at all! Unless someone brings you up, they don't go around remembering things about you, ever. This isn't so much a reflection of you as the fact that this person didn't love you deeply and honestly. It ended for a reason, and your life has been better for it!

Someone Who Reminds Them of How Horrible They Are
You're the thought that crosses their mind when they're at their lowest. You're not a pillar of strength to them but the person who is everything they aren't. This person feels horrible about who they are and what they do--their choices, their appearance, everything. The low self-esteem is real, and when they think of you, well, let's just say they get a little jealous. You've grown and blossomed since the relationship ended.

The Worst Person Ever
You're the worst person to ever breathe, according to your ex. While this is probably untrue, they swear up and down that you're no good. You're the reason for the breakup, because you didn't value anything. You had other priorities. And they were far more invested in the relationship than you. This ended up being a mess, because when someone doesn't really care, they're selfish. And your selfishness led to the destruction of the relationship.