The Ultimate Soccer-Trivia Quiz

Do you love soccer? Take our quiz to see if you're a true fan!

Tags: Player, Game, Trivia

Here are all the results with descriptions

Totally Clueless
OK, be honest--you've never actually seen a game before, have you? If you haven't, you should. It's the most famous sport around the world. Good luck with this new adventure!

Not Very Knowledgeable
You know a bit about soccer, but let's be honest--it's really not your thing. Why don't you plan to learn a bit more about this fascinating sport and play a game once in a while? We are sure you are going to love it.

A Casual Soccer Fan
You aren't clueless about soccer, but you don't know a lot of the teams, players, and rules. Keep trying!

A True Soccer Fan
You are a true soccer fan. You know a lot about the rules and the teams. If you keep watching and playing, you're bound to become a soccer trivia mastermind someday!

A Soccer Mastermind!
Wow, impressive! You're not a soccer fan; you're a soccer GENIUS. Amazing! Make sure to share this quiz with your friends and brag about how awesome you are at soccer trivia!