How Well Do You Manage Your Time?

Wondering if you manage time well? Find out with this quiz!


Here are all the results with descriptions

Manage Time Well!
You set timers when you need to. You use an agenda, or at least the calendar on your phone. People's birthdays and other events are carefully recorded. You're never late for work, and you always plan errands with efficiency in mind.

Manage Time Decently!
You know how to manage time well enough. Sometimes you really do jot things down and set reminders or timers. But the issue you could work on is that you don't plan errands efficiently, so you spend more time out and about, more gas, and more effort.

Don't Manage Time Too Well
You are a mess with time management. A lot of it stems from not writing things down or setting reminders. You forget things often or arrive late to events, or both.