How Jealous Are You Really?

Here are all the results with descriptions

7% Jealous
You almost never get jealous. You know what you have, who you are, and what (and who) you love, and you're very confident about these things! Your self-esteem is sky high. You are only 7% jealous!

26% Jealous
You get jealous very rarely, but when you do, it's often for a good reason. You're generally a very calm, confident person! You are 26% jealous.

48% Jealous
You may find yourself getting jealous a little less than half the time, but you're calm, cool, and collected enough to be rational about why you're getting jealous and realize when you are being silly. You are 48% jealous!

74% Jealous
Your jealousy level is a bit elevated, but that may be because you're extremely passionate about what you stand for and what (or who) you love. You are 74% jealous!

90% Jealous
You have a tendency to become obsessive over what is yours. Therefore, your jealousy level is often very high. You know you've got great things going for you - you have no reason not to be confident about what you have! You are 90% jealous.