Who Is Running Your Circus?

Have the monkeys taken over your big top? Is the tightrope walker giving you stress? Who is the real ringmaster?


Here are all the results with descriptions

Clowns are fun (unless you're phobic, of course), but too much fun can wear you down and not leave you enough energy to spend on areas of your life that will lead to greater fulfillment. There is a time for fun and laughter, but don't get too distracted or you'll end up juggling the other areas of your life and drop the ball!

Monkeys have been making mischief in your life. Whether it's gossips, people who manipulate you, or a nonhuman distraction, you've got to wrest control from it and take charge. Monkeys are entertaining, but their antics can lead to trouble!

The Tightrope Walker
Have you been trying to balance too much? Maybe you are indecisive and have trouble making definitive choices. Whatever it is, you're letting your inner tightrope walker run things. You've got an entire ring to run, so don't let one length of rope get the spotlight for the entire show.

The Trapeze Artist
You're flying through the air with the greatest of ease, but you're not landing anywhere. You can do a flip here and there, and catch a swing, but you never leave the canopy to see what's going on down at the real-world level. There's a trampoline down there waiting to catch your fall. Let go.

The Lion Tamer
You have taken stress and disorder, and trained them to submit to you so often that you have become too focused on control. It's great that you can handle so much, but don't forget to laugh and have fun once in a while. Life IS a circus, you know, and circuses are meant to be fun!

You are the ultimate ringmaster. You have the balance and foresight to run a well-rounded circus of excitement and fun, all while keeping your big top under orderly control!