Is Your Personality Blonde, Brunette Or Red?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Based on the results of this quiz, your personality is blonde! You're a carefree and spirited individual who will try anything once! Never one to shy away from a risk or challenge, you embrace life and live each day to the absolute fullest. Friends love you for your sense of adventure and easy sense of humor.

Based on the results of this quiz, you're a brunette! Sure, you know how to cut loose and have a good time, but you're also highly intellectual. You're an ambitious and driven individual who won't stop until all of her goals are reached. You're funny, quick, and can keep anyone on their toes!

Based on the results of this quiz, your personality is most like a red head! You're eccentric, adventurous, and always looking to try something new. You hate to feel pigeonholed and are constantly changing to suit your various moods and whims. Others love your sense of fun!