How Stupid Are You?

Are you smart or dumb? This is a question you need to settle right now! Take this easy quiz to find out whether you are a smart cookie or a dumb-dumb!

Tags: Personality, Stupid, Character-Trait, Smart, Dumb

Here are all the results with descriptions

a Smart Cookie.
Mama didn't raise no fools, did she? You are not stupid. In fact, you are really smart! Why did you take this quiz? If you think you are stupid, that's the only stupid thing about you. Congratulations for answering all or almost all of the questions correctly! You also demonstrate a strong indicator of high intelligence: empathy!

a Smarty Pants.
You may think you know everything there is to know, but this little quiz has revealed that you aren't quite as smart as you think you are. You missed a few! You might want to do some research before you answer questions from now on!

slightly smarter than average.
You got most of the answers right. Either you are a good guesser, or you know an above-average amount of facts! So never call yourself stupid, and if someone calls you dumb, you can always tell them you passed this test! However, from the questions, you should know that stupidity isn't just the lack of facts.

not smart, but also not dumb.
You are definitely not stupid. Unfortunately, the quiz didn't indicate that you were brilliant either. You missed quite a few questions that should be general knowledge. Why not take a course in something you are interested in to sharpen your intelligence?

kind of thick.
Thick' or sometimes 'as thick as a brick' is a term that people use to describe people that have a hard time understanding things. You are not the stupidest person in the world, but you can be perceived as slow because it takes you a while to process information.

a real dumb-dumb.
Most of these questions should have been easy for you. If you had a hard time answering them, you really are rather stupid. No worries, though! You can always increase your intelligence by figuring out how you learn best and catering to that style. You can also hire a tutor to help you too.