What to Buy In Japan?

Do you find yourself in Japan, unable to guess what you should buy? It's a tough situation to be in. There is so much in Japan! Take this quiz to help you scale down options.

Tags: Travel, Japan, Buying, Shopping

Here are all the results with descriptions

Cute Japanese Treats
You love mochi, daifuku, and senbei. You love anything that has a kawaii face, and is edible. Japan is known for combining the element of cuteness with the soft sweetness of a delicious, yet never heavy, treat. We suggest finding some treats that you'd have a hard time ever finding in America! And eat them! Eat them in Japan, on the plane, and bring some back with you so you can continue to enjoy them for a while after.

Pop Culture Collectibles
Whether you're into anime, movies, TV shows, or just adorable Japanese figurines that are more brand than backstory driven, Japan has it all. Although a lot of it gets imported to the States, there are items that you can only get in Japan. These items would go for plenty of money in America, but there's either not enough of a market for them, or Japan just wants the exclusive rights. So, embrace it while you're there! Now's your chance.

Something Authentic And Traditional
It could be a kimono, a cast iron tea set, a Japanese art scroll, or something else that catches your eye. As long as it's authentic and traditional, you should totally buy it in Japan, and take it back home with you. It will forever be a reminder of your trip, and become a conversation piece for guests. And it's still in keeping with that whole aesthetically pleasing thing you have going on.

A Crazy Fashion Item
You love to wow people, and you aren't afraid to experiment with fashion. You're outgoing, and amazing, and you're always showing the world what they're missing out on. If they're not you, they're not as awesome! So why not go to Tokyo for some of the best, most 'out there' fashion selection you'll ever come across?