Are You As Polite As You Think You Are?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're More Polite Than You Think You Are!
Based on the results of this quiz, you’re actually more polite than you think yourself to be! You’ve got great manners and tend to be polite no matter what the situation. Even when feeling confronted, you maintain composure and keep your manners in tact. You always say “yes mam” or “yes sir” when talking to an elder and you’ll hold the door for anyone who wants to pass through. You’re just about as polite as they come!

You're As Polite As You Think You Are!
Based on the results of this quiz, you’re as polite as you think you are! It’s obvious that you pride yourself on always being polite and well mannered. You love to practice good etiquette and make others feel good through kindness and simple etiquette. You’d never be caught dead forgetting to thank someone or tip for a service. You’re well mannered and totally polite!

You're Not As Polite As You Think You Are!
Based on the results of this quiz, you’re not quite as polite as you think you are! Sure, you say “please” and “Thank you” but that’s about as far as your manners go. You find etiquette to be pretty stuffy and old fashioned. You’re an outside the box thinker who likes to do things on your own terms. When you don’t like something, you want your voice to be heard. If something isn’t going your way, you make sure other people know it!