What Does Your Palm Reveal About Your Personality?

Wondering what your palm reveals about you? There's the guessing way, and then there's this way! Take our quiz and get your answers right away. Just prepare for some surprises.

Tags: Personality

Here are all the results with descriptions

The Fast Thinker
You have a short head line, which means you're a fast thinker who comes to conclusions quickly. Your heart line suggests you're a rock, someone who can be counted on to stay strong in difficult times.

The Analyzer
You have a long, straight head line, which means you're an analyzer. You think things over a lot! Your heart line suggests you need to chill out every so often and just take a yoga class, go out for a walk, or otherwise find a way to exercise your stress away.

The Sympathetic
Your head line splits in two, which means you're sensitive to others, you can see their perspectives, so you're generally a nice person. Sometimes, seeing other perspectives causes you to change your mind on things. You have a broken life line, which means you've been through at least one or more traumatic experiences that have impacted your life choices.

The Creative
Your head line is long and curved, which means you're creative. You can easily imagine several solutions and outcomes to problems. Your heart line suggests that when things get tough, keeping busy keeps you feeling safe and secure.