Are You an Intellectual?

You may be an intellectual and not even know it. Especially if your perception of intellectuals differs from the real meaning. Find out if you are by taking this quiz!

Tags: Knowledge, Think, Intelligence, Brain, Mind, Geek, Logic, Behavior, Emotion, Education

Here are all the results with descriptions

Not an intellectual
You take life as it comes - easy come, easy go. You don't bother yourself about problems. You try to let things sort themselves out as they will. You're probably a lot less stressed as a result! You have the ability to let things go so you can enjoy the simpler things in life.

Somewhat curious
You aren't quite an intellectual but you do have questions about things from time to time. Enough to be aware of what's going on in the world and have the odd idea once in a while of how to fix it. You probably make more money than intellectuals.

A bit of intellectual
You enjoy intellectual pursuits but exploring ideas and delving deep into academic pursuits is not something you do every day. You enjoy reading a bit, and sometimes art or poetry, but you're just as entertained by the simple things as you are the complex.

A pseudointellectual
You love all of the trappings of intellectualism without the weight of actually pursuing new ideas. You want the coffee shop conversation and the books that look good on the shelf and to say you know who Proust is, but you don't produce much on your own. So do it! Be a real intellectual.

An intellectual!
You are a true intellectual that pursues the richness of study because you're actually interested in thought, creation, and innovation. If you've read War and Peace it's because you wanted to, not because you wanted to tick off that item in a list of must-read books!