Am I Funny?

A fun quiz that asks a series of questions to help determine if you are funny or not. It's totally for fun, so answer quickly and move on to the next question to find out if you are funny or not.

Tags: Personality, Feature

Here are all the results with descriptions

Not funny
You are not funny, nothing about what you do or say is funny. You try and tell jokes that are funny but you just end up killing them. When you tell jokes most just end up laughing at the joke so they don't hurt your feelings.

Dry humor
Most people do not get your humor that is why they do not consider you to be funny. But for the people that do understand your humor to them you are hilarious. Unfortunately the vast majority of people think you are being sarcastic rather than funny.

A little funny
You have funny moments there are times when you are drop dead hilarious then there are times when no one gets your jokes at all. On the occasions that you do have a moment they are legendary. You have the potential to be really funny.

Amateur comedian
You have been having some success on social media, which has lead to your fan base growing at an amazing pace. Now you are starting to get booked for shows. You have even been asked to open for some big time comedians.

You have made it. You have starred in a couple of TV shows and you a star on the stand up circuit. You are a household name, you are the type of comedian that amateurs open up for. You make a tremendous living telling jokes.

Comedian superstar
You are a comedy rock star. You are the go to guy for all major movie roles that are looking for a comedian, all of the top scripts go to you before anyone else. On top of that you sellout football stadiums when you go on tour.