Am I Frivolous?

The opposite of frivolous is sensible. Frivolity can be fun, sure, but if you're completely frivolous, you might run into problems. But then, you wouldn't care, would you? Find out how frivolous you are by taking this quiz!

Tags: Woman, Feature, Flirt

Here are all the results with descriptions

Not at all frivolous
You're TOO serious, actually. You should lighten up! Life isn't meant to be dull and boring. You don't HAVE to make your bed every day or wear or sensible shoes. Live a little. Be carefree. Talk to butterflies or something. Yeah, you probably won't do that, but do something off the wall - soon!

You're not frivolous by a longshot. You aren't too serious all the time, but it takes a bit to open you up or to get you to put the things you think you need to be doing aside. Don't forget that all work and no play leads to burnout! Have more fun!

Have moments of frivolity
You're not too sensible and you're not too frivolous. You're just right at a happy medium. It's probably the best place to be. You recognize what absolute priorities require serious responsibility but you also know when you need to relax the rules.

A little frivolous
You're not dancing in rainbows or buying out the mall but you do have a more than average frivolous attitude. It's not a huge problem, but you might find yourself forgetting important things while you're busy having fun.

Are a poster child for frivolity
You are officially deemed FRIVOLOUS. Come back down out of the clouds! Yes, life is for having fun but there are times and situations that call for at least a little sensibility! But then, maybe we could all learn from you. Maybe you're the one that's right?