What Breakfast Meal Am I ?

Hi! Do you like breakfast very much? Do you want to find out wich kind of breakfast you are? This quiz will blow your mind! There are many different types of breakfast in the world. If you want to find out wich one you are then this quiz is perfect for you!

Tags: Food, Breakfast, Personality, Eating

Here are all the results with descriptions

An English breakfast
You are sweet, kind and loving ! You love to make other people happy and you are completely selfless.

You are sweet and honest and you are ambitious about your dreams. You know exactly what you want in life.

Sweet waffles
You are cool and popular and very good looking, people always want to be around you and you are really confident, also people wish and want to be you.

Toast and bacon
You are fun and generous. You are confident and love to shine. You are very passionate and reliable, people can count on you if they need it.

Oatmeal porridge
You are serious and stern and people may think you do not like to have fun but when they do get to know you your fun kind and are always there for your friends.