Am I Power-hungry?

Are you a power-hungry individual? This interesting and fun quiz will evaluate your characteristics to determine just how hungry for power you are these days.

Tags: Career, Dictator

Here are all the results with descriptions

the most hungry of the power-hungry!
You have an insatiable appetite for power. Not only do you boss your family and friends around, you think it's your right! Why do you crave power so much? This is a question you need to investigate fully.

Power-hungry? Yes, that's you! The more power you acquire, the more you desire. Will you ever be satisfied? Why not investigate why you crave power so much? There might be some underlying issues you need to address.

slightly power-hungry.
You are not over the edge yet, but you are on the verge of falling in to power-hungry territory. You have many of the characteristics of someone who craves authority and power. Do a serious self-evaluation now, or your family and friends may find you hard to be around.

oriented toward accomplishment.
You like getting things done. If that means you need to direct the group, so be it. However, if a capable leader is leading the project, you have no problem with taking a back seat and listening to what he or she says.

not power-hungry.
You are not a power-hungry individual. You have a balanced amount of ambition and humility. You can step up into a lead role when necessary, but it doesn't bother you to take directions either. It's a good way to be.

the opposite of power-hungry.
There is not a power-hungry bone in your body. You avoid taking lead roles because you don't feel capable or you don't want the responsibility. The truth, is there are times when stepping up to take charge is the right thing to do.