Am I a Good Daughter?

If you don't want to ask you parents that question, you've come to the right place. Find out whether you're a good daughter or a bad one by taking this quiz!

Tags: Relationship, Daughter, Family, Parents, Child

Here are all the results with descriptions

Terrible Daughter!
It's probably safe to say that you haven't been doing your best to make your parent or parent's feel cherished in a long while. But then, maybe they don't deserve it? If they do, get on it! Call home, visit, send flowers, make them a meal - do something right away!

Bad Daughter
You're not completely terrible, but don't pat yourself on the back just yet. You know that there are cultures in which parents are honored and adored, right? Maybe your parents aren't great and maybe they are, but either way, there's bound to be redeeming qualities there that you're missing out on. Spend some time with your parents and create a deeper bond!

Okay Daughter
You're not a good daughter, but you're okay. You remember birthdays most of the time and you listen to them when they talk. You could get a little more involved and show a deeper interest though. Parents can actually be fun if you give them a chance.

Good Daughter
You're a good daughter. Not the best, but pretty good. It's probably better just to be good and not great, though. You don't want to stunt your emotional growth! It's great to be a good daughter and to have that bond but you don't want to overdo it and smother them!

Great Daughter!
You are probably the greatest daughter in the whole world. Your parents probably even depend on YOU. But, you might want to take a step back now and then and let them breathe. Do it for yourself, too. You don't want to lose out on living your own life!