Wedding Trivia

So, you think you know a lot about weddings? We dare you to prove your knowledge by taking this challenging and entertaining wedding trivia quiz right now!

Tags: Living, Wedding, Bride, Groom, Marriage, Wedding-Dress

Here are all the results with descriptions

next to nothing about weddings!
Your cover is blown! You seem to be an extraterrestrial visiting our planet to learn about us. You clearly don't have any weddings on your home planet because you don't even know basic wedding customs!

almost nothing about weddings.
Have you ever even been to a wedding celebration? If the answer is yes, it's surprising because you don't seem to know anything about the ceremonies or the customs. At the very least, read a bridal magazine!

a fair amount about weddings.
You are not a complete fool when it comes to weddings. However, there is still a lot you could learn about bridal ceremonies and customs around the world. Why not subscribe to a bridal magazine today?

an average amount about weddings.
You possess no more than the average amount of knowledge about weddings, but at least you are no fool. If you would like to know more about bridal ceremonies and customs around the world, why not ask some people from different countries about their weddings?

quite a bit about weddings.
Congratulations, you know more about weddings than the average person! You must have read a lot about weddings or even attended many weddings because you even know some things about ceremonies and customs from around the world!

almost everything about weddings!
Wow! You have an impressive amount of knowledge about weddings! Our guess is that you know so much about different bridal ceremonies and customs because you work as a wedding planner.... or you have been married many times!