What Nationality Do I Look Like?

In this fun and interactive quiz, we will carefully evaluate your physical looks and style of dress to determine what world nationality you resemble the most!

Tags: Living, Nationality, Look, Dress, Hairstyle

Here are all the results with descriptions

Whether you dress up like a cute doll (stereotype) or you just have shiny, black hair and adorable slanted eyes, your answers to our questions indicate that the nationality you most resemble is Japanese!

Are you tall, dark and handsome or blond-haired and blue-eyed? Perhaps you fit one of these stereotypes or your casual manner of dress (e.g., baseball cap and hoodie) identifies you as an American or an American lookalike.

Your looks are from South of the border. You have dark eyes, dark skin, and long straight hair which makes you look very similar to someone from the country of Mexico or perhaps Nicaragua or Guatemala.

Rwandan or Sudanese.
You have quite dark skin and you stand a head above everyone else in the room. Add dark hair and brown or hazel eyes, and our guess is that you resemble someone from one of the tallest nationalities on Earth!

You have fair skin, blue eyes, and a nice sturdy build so our guess is that you look like someone from the country of Germany! Even if we weren't right on the looks, your leather britches or charming frock were a dead giveaway!

Scottish or Irish.
You have black or red hair and a pale complexion. Except for when you laugh! Then, you turn red! Your eyes are blue, green, or brown so you fit the stereotype of a nice Scottish-Irish lass or laddie.