Should I Ask Him Out?

Is your stomach in knots because you don't know whether you should ask out a certain special guy on a date? Put yourself out of your misery and let this quiz tell you the answer!

Tags: Women, Relationship, Men, Partner, Date

Here are all the results with descriptions

definitely not ask him out
Do not ask this guy on a date. Repeat:Do not ask him out! He is not the one for you, either because he's not a really nice person or because he just doesn't like you. Either way, asking him out will lead to disaster.

wait a little while before you ask him out
You should ask him out, but the time is just not right. Wait a little while, perhaps until you know him better or until you have your life set up to have a successful adult relationship. If he's the one for you, he will still be around when you are ready to take the plunge.

ask someone different to go out with you
This guy is not a guy you should be asking out on a date. You can definitely find someone better suited to you and who appreciates you for who you are. If you ask him on a date, it will probably end in heartbreak down the line.

drop hints so he asks you out
Well, it seems like your guy may be a little traditional so he may prefer to take the lead in the relationship. That doesn't mean you can help him along! Just drop plenty of obvious hints so that he will feel confident enough to ask you out!

probably ask him out
The results of your quiz were inconclusive. There are lots of signs that seem to indicate that he likes you, but there are also a couple of red flags that might indicate he's just being nice without any real interest. Do you think it's worth the risk or is it better left alone?

definitely ask him out
He's practically begging you to ask him out! All the signs are there, and you seem ready for a relationship. So, don't hesitate to ask him if he will go on a date with you. If he says no, at least you will have some clarity on the situation!