Santa Claus Trivia

A quiz that will help you learn how well you know Santa Claus and possibly help you realize if you have been naughty or nice this year. Take the quiz to find out if you know as much about Santa that you think.

Tags: Trivia, Christmas, Santa-Claus, Tradition, Culture

Here are all the results with descriptions

Not at all
You don't know much about Santa at all. You have no clue when Santa even comes and you are always in a sour mood so you could care less. You have no clue where he lives or even what he does. You tend to be referred to as a scrooge because you have no knowledge of Santa.

You barely know Santa. You know about three to five things about Santa possibly just from your memory from elementary school. Your memory isn't the best so even back then you struggled remembering things about him.

You know Santa Claus facts somewhat. You tend to attend Christmas parades and support other things in your community. You can remember it all about him, but you do know a great deal you just need to study to learn more facts.

Well enough to make the good list
You know just about everything about Santa. You tend to forget some key facts, sometimes, but don't worry-you always make the good list anyway. You don't really go out of your way to celebrate the holidays by giving back, but you do attend parades. There's quite a bit more that you could learn about Santa.

Very well
You know Santa Claus facts a great deal. You are almost an expert, but not quite. There's a few things that you probably knew and they are just stuck in the back of your mind. You are a true fan of the holidays and the giving season.

Santa Claus expert
You are a Santa Claus expert. If there's anything to know or anything that he has ever done, you are well aware. You absolutely love Christmas time and the idea of Santa Claus. You always dress up to help programs in the community. You love pretending to be an elf from time to time.