How Adult Am I?

Are you good at adulting or are you totally childish? Even some 90 year olds aren't very adult. Then there are 12 years olds who are adulting already. How adult are you? Find out!

Tags: Personality, Adult, Maturity, Character, Feature

Here are all the results with descriptions

Not an adult
You aren't adulting at all. You are still stuck in a childlike stage of development. You have a hint of stubbornness, a bit of rebellion, and you can be somewhat selfish. If you're not yet an adult over the age of 18, you're still developing. If you are over 18, it's time to start adulting!

On your way
You are still developing but you're definitely on your way to being a fully fledged adult. That said, you still have a long way to go. Just keep tabs on how you deal with things and try to get a little bit better at adulting as you go. You'll get there!

Almost an adult
You've almost reached emotional maturity and responsibility, but you're still trudging along. That's okay. Not many of us are fully mature in at least one area of our lives. You're right at about average, actually. There are plenty of people over 50 that only made it this far.

An adult
You have reached full emotional maturity and an adult level of responsibility. You are probably wondering why everyone around you seems to lag behind. You'd like to see a lot more people grow up. You'll be waiting a while!

The ultimate adult
You are pretty much TOO adult! You need to lighten up and let your inner child out to play once in a while. It's okay to let some things slide now and then. You're going to get yourself burnt out or stressed out. Take a break and enjoy life!