What Food Am I?

A brief quiz that will help determine which food you are. Don't spend too much time answering one question, that way you are that much more thrilled with your results.

Tags: Food, Region, Culture, Tradition, Food-Preferences, Cooking

Here are all the results with descriptions

Soul Food
The type of food that you are is soul food because you have an old soul. You are always striving to better yourself. Learning from others is one of your most favorite things to do. You spend a lot of time thinking and considering ways to enhance your spiritual growth.

You are Italian food because you have a sense of presentation, per say. Your appearance is very important, so you have a decent fashion sense. Your family is also extremely important to you. You have a love for art that is second to none.

You are Mexican food because you are assertive and tend to express yourself with no care. You love everything that pertains to the Mexican culture you may not have been born in middle America, but you know everything there is to know about the culture.

Before you ever had Japanese food you were a big fan of the movies as well as the martial arts. You grew up watching every single movie that came on during Kung fu theater, that drove you to the local dojo to learn martial arts for your self.

You took one vacation to the Caribbean and that is all that it took for you to become enamored with all things Caribbean. You eat out at the local Caribbean restaurant as often as you can. In a perfect world you would actually move there.

Bar b que
You have one goal with it comes to cooking and that is to be referred to as a grill master. You watch all of the cooking shows about grilling, and you practice the techniques that you think will help you the most. This is why your are bar b que.