Management Quiz

Are you someone that's interested in becoming a manager? Are you already a manager wondering if you are doing a good job? You can get insight into both of those situations with this quiz!

Tags: Career, Management, Trivia, Leader, Boss

Here are all the results with descriptions

Absolutely Nothing About Management
There isn't a single thing that you know about management based off of your answers to these questions, so we hate to say it, but you would be a terrible boss. It's not a job that everyone can handle though, so you'll be fine wherever you end up.

Very Little About Management
With just a couple of your answers being correct here, there isn't a whole lot that you know about management. It might be that you are still fairly young and learning, so don't give up if you truly do want to be a manager someday.

An Average Amount About Management
You know an average amount about management, so you probably are new to the role, or you've just been paying attention to your own managers. It's okay to start from the bottom and work you're way up, and we think that's just what you have going on.

A Lot About Management
If you aren't a manager already, you should be! You got almost every single one of these questions correct, so we think that you would be a great boss to anyone that had to work under you. Don't stop working to reach that goal either, because being a manager is a great career to have!

Everything About Management
You are someone that would make the perfect manager if you aren't one already. You got every single one of these questions exactly right. Whatever company you work for is going to be lucky to have you around.