What Is My Dosha?

Doshas are the three body energies in the Ayurvedic health system. Doshas are made up of the five elements. What is your prominent dosha? Find out with this quiz!

Tags: Health, Medicine, Energy, Therapy

Here are all the results with descriptions

Vata is made of the elements of space and air. People with a prominent Vata dosha are energetic and creative. They tend to be lean with lots of energy and are always on the go. On the flip side, their bursts of energy can result in sudden fatigue and worry.

Pitta is made up of the elements of fire and water. They can have a fiery personality. They have excellent digestion which often leads them to think they can eat whatever and whenever they want! Pittas are very smart and concentrate well. Pittas are often teachers, public speakers, or decision-makers in their places of employment. When pittas are out of balance, they can be short-tempered and argumentative.

Kapha is made up of the elements water and earth. Kaphas are calm and loving. While they have a strong build and excellent stamina, they can also tend to build too much and gain weight and sleep to excess. Kaphas are loyal, patient, and supportive with others but when a personal problem is overwhelming, they run away and hide from it.