How Satisfied Are You With Your Home?

Is your home your safe haven or somewhere you only go when there's nowhere more exciting? Take this quiz to find out.

Tags: Living, Lifestyle, House, Decoration, Design

Here are all the results with descriptions

100 Percent Satisfied
Lucky you! You are in love with your home. It's your dream home--your castle and your refuge. You've likely spent a lot of money and time purchasing and decorating your house. And you continue to work hard to keep it up. You are inspired by home design magazines, and your house looks like it belongs in one!

90 Percent Satisfied
You are very happy with your home. You've decorated it to your tastes, and you work hard to keep it clean, comfortable, and presentable. Sure, there are probably one or two little things you'd like to change to make it absolutely perfect. And you're certain to get around to it soon! (Maybe even this weekend.)

75 Percent Satisfied
You are mostly happy with your home. It provides a safe haven for you and your family, and that's the most important thing. In terms of its appearance, you've done as much as you can with it, for now. There are a couple of things that bother you about it, and if you had the time and the money, you'd change them. It'll happen!

50 Percent Satisfied
You are okay with your home. It's not perfect, but it's yours. Sure, you'd love to win the lottery so you could renovate. You like to imagine how it could be improved. But it doesn't matter enough to you to start making changes now. Maybe someday.

25 Percent Satisfied
You're not really comfortable with the space you're living in. There are so many ways it could be improved. It's daunting. If you're not ready to give up on it and look for a new place, why not start with a good cleaning and decluttering session? And then try your hand at a little DIY project or two.

0 Percent Satisfied
You can't stand the space you're living in. It's either time for a complete overhaul or a move! What are you waiting for? Your home should be a refuge for you and also a reflection of your personality. It doesn't have to be expensive, just warm, comfortable, and cozy. You deserve it!