Emotional Intelligence Quiz

What is Emotional EQ? It's the awareness of your emotions and others emotions and how to navigate them. Do you have a high Emotional IQ? Find out with this quiz!

Tags: Personality, Emotions, Intelligence, Psychology, Empathy, Mental, Health, Women, Men, Relationships, Living

Here are all the results with descriptions

Very Low
You have a low level of emotional intelligence. It is quite probable that you may have social awkwardness. It's also possible that you have social anxiety. Don't fret. You can improve your emotional IQ by learning facial expressions or by trying to understand and practice empathy.

Low to average
You have a little emotional intelligence but it is less than average. If you improve your emotional IQ, you will likely improve your life. People with high EQs have been found to rise faster in their careers and have better interpersonal relationships.

You have an average amount of emotional intelligence. Your EQ isn't holding you back but it's not advancing you either. Improving your emotional intelligence can help you make better decisions, have deeper relationships, and have less stress.

You have a high EQ! Your emotional intelligence is higher than average. While emotional intelligence can help you navigate life better than if you didn't have very much of it, it can also hinder you if you get too caught up in other people's problems. Empathy is great, but don't sacrifice your needs TOO often!

Very high
You have a much higher level of emotional intelligence than most people. In a lot of situations, that is a great asset. However, people with very high EQs often put themselves last or are so empathetic that they have increased stress. Stay aware of your sensitive nature so that you can avoid taking on more than you can handle.